Sunday, October 22, 2006

Alice is right at the hub of the she is teaching Grace how to knit!

The little ones recognise her unique place and go to her as much as their parents, sometimes more so!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Jon is Captain of Green House at why would you wear green clothes when you can have green hair???!!

Here is dear little Finn Samuel having a lovely sleep at Ma+Pa's today.

A hot day for this time of the year and so his big brothers and sister enjoyed a swim in the pool along with cuzzy bros Josiah and Elias!!

...and Uncle Sam+Aunty Tam put their tent up in the back yard for the first time!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

...and of course if one brother has the nose of his 4WD on the 'hill' the other has to up and over it...too bad that it's a favourite bike track for the little ones?!

beautiful spring evening in Hawkes Bay.

shame these guys weren't there to sing 'Happy Birthday'!!!!! Still it was great that Jon got his motorbike going and good of Sam to help...and Trent has the stick because...???

and Happy Birthday Grace!!!!!
Grace is 19 yrs old today... our 6th child and 3rd daughter. What an exciting day when Grace was born!!!
Luke married Grace on Jan 27th 2006!!! We are very pleased to have him be part of our family...

Well done Tim and Kate!!!

Number 5 and the best labour yet!

Little Finn looks so comfortable and relaxed!

...and noone available to be there to support he came sooo quickly!!! Tim was there and the very best to help anyway.

Number 5 for Tim+Kate...
Welcome Finn Samuel Robinson.
Born 23rd September!!! Already 3 weeks old and doing fine!